Importing and Exporting Your Data - Lesson: 7.3.2 - Entities, Microflows and Excel Template Configuration

I want to create the following microflow:   I am at “GenerateExcelDoc”. I Open the entity to change its values. I want to achieve this:   But i get this:     Basically, I should be choosing $Product, but there is no option for me here. Why?? How can I fix this?   Thank you in advance. :)  
2 answers

@Eline Bijkerk: my Microflow looks like this:


So you have SUB_CreateExcelExport, but you are not returning a value there. This means that it isn't available in the microflow that you posted a screenshot of.


To fix this issue, go back into the SUB_CreateExcelExport flow, and select the correct return value. If you're not sure how to do that, scroll up a bit in the learning path – there is a screenshot there showing you what your flow should look like :) 
