‘The selected page Overview expects an object of type MyFirstModule.Ordersheet, which is not available here.’

I have a ordersheet overview page like this. ​​​​​​ While connecting this page to the navigation, I am getting an error like ‘The selected page Overview' expects an object of type 'MyFirstModule.Ordersheet', which is not available here.’ How to solve this?
3 answers

Maybe you’ve specified a parameter to the page which you don’t need

Open the page in Studio and look at the top left where you will see parameters. As this is just an overview page showing data from the database, you don’t need any parameters


Hi Sanjukta,

Make sure that the object is passed to the page which has a configured data view on it,

in your case while calling a page on navigation you directly select show page on click action, an instance of select create Object option, you need to select (your entity) on entity path and then your page.

eg: your case I can see: create object>: entity path: (ordersheet) your entity name> and on click page select your overview page.  or else you can call microflow for the same. 

Refe doc Consistency Error


Hope that helps!


Hi Sanjukta,


It’s seems that you have accidentally ‘Create an object’ from this overview page. You resolved this issue by deleting the parameter in the overview page.
