Cell Validation

Hi all, This might be very silly question to ask. I have a entity called AllRecords which im displaying in DataGrid2. Im trying to apply some validation one among which is If Salary Status is Stop then the Stop reason should be mandatory while i have put the validation like below ss (inputcorrection is displayed as Salary status. the below condition is applied on stop reason column)   The validation is not working as expected. What its currently doing is its marking the Stop reason to be required when the status is anything apart from Stop. The other part of the problem is even if i input some value in it still its saying mandatory.(below ss)     Any idea whats exactly causing this issue? any help is highly appreciated
1 answers

Your condition here should be $currentObject/InputCorrection != ‘Stop’ this would mean that if the value is ‘Stop’ then in that case the input is mandatory and vice versa.


The system checks it like this; if the expression entered is true then validation will not be applied and if it is false then the validation will trigger.

Hope this helps.
