Doubts related Entities and DataTable

let’s assume, I have four entity that named are A1,B1,C1,D1. D1 is associated to each entity. My question is the datatable for D1 will be created which basics and which entity attributes present in that DataTable?   Thanks in Advance
2 answers

Hi Palaniraja,

For each entity separate data table will create and for each association, separate data table will create 
For example, if D1 is associated with A1 one separate data table will create for this association.


It depends on the direction of the association. if you could establish a direction from E1 to D1 and from D1 to A1, you could still access A1 attributes from D1.

These expressions you can write to choose the data view through assocation and for attributes.

But expressions like Visibiltiy Condition or (some xpaths) you can not access this way even after you set the correct direction for your assocations.
