How can i show current location in application

Hi i am new to mendix platform , I want to show current location in my application, I use nanoflow commons module(Get current location )  and get 3 values (Latitude , Longitude) but i didn't know how can i use it , and how can i using these value to get current location, kindly give some solution to me.
2 answers

What you need is a Reverse geocoding API which takes in the LAT LONG value and gives you the ADDRESS.

There are many services available.
There could be some that are free.
However what you intend to do with that address information might drive you to pick 1 service over the other.

Good luck


The latitude and longitude are the location, so should say where the user is located on Earth.

What sort of thing did you want to show exactly? 

If it’s the approximate address of the user, you can use the ReverseGeocode action in the Nanoflow Commons module to attempt to give you a String with the approximate address from the latitude and longitude.

If it’s showing a map with the user’s location, you can use the OpenMap action in the Nanoflow Commons module to show their position in a Google Map.

I hope this helps. Good luck!
