How to consume Teamcenter Custom SOA in mendix ?

We have our custom SOA in Teamcenter to retrieve the data but we dont know how to make it available in mendix to consume to get the results and show it on mendix app.   we have Tcconnector where we are using existing Java function to call in microflows.   If detailed steps for Teamcenter SOA consumption in mendix would help
2 answers

You can call any Teamcenter Service by using the "Call Teamcenter Service" activity in a microflow.

You will have to refer to the documentation at Teamcenter Services API Reference to understand the input and output formats and then write an Operation mapping to transform your Mendix domain model into the right format.

For instance, to create a Dispatcher request, the docs show that createDispatcherRequest is defined like so:



You can call this in a microflow like this:



where the operation mapping is defined as:



The corresponding domain model is:



Hello ,


How do we make available Custom SOA in mendix is there any way ? like do we need to generate WSDl file and import it to mendix  if so then how do we import it to mendix module ?
