Pdf header, merging and two components in a single grid

Hello there! I was tinkering on a project of mine which needs to create specific pdf files as an output and there are some parts where I need some help. First of all, I want to create an header in a template grid full of dinamic lables that has to be diplayed in the top margin of every page, is there a way to do that? The header needs to have a different font and style from the rest of the grid. Secondly, is it possible to create a single pdf file formed by multiple document templates? Lastly, is there a way to put in the same grid pictures and dinamic lables? Any help is greatly apprecieted.
2 answers

Marco, you could have a look at the new Mendix PDF document generation module & service. (Marketplace link) The PDF document generation module uses the normal page editor, which offers much more styling and widget flexibility over the DocumentTemplates functionality.

It does not yet support repeating header/footers in PDFs yet. But you could have a look at the following community widget that does provide repeating headers in the PDFs (Marketplace link)


As Rachana already mentioned, it is possible to merge PDFs. You could try the 'Merge multiple PDFs' from the community commons module for this (Marketplace link)


Hi Macro,

  1. is it possible to create a single pdf file formed by multiple document templates?

                yes you can do merge pdf for this action. 

       2. Lastly, is there a way to put in the same grid pictures and dynamic labels?

                yes possible 
