Domain model is read only, but the instructions say I need to edit/add entities to it.

I'm working through the Rapid Developer training. On module 4.4.1 Create and Connect Entities. The instructions say that I need to add an entity to the Domain model, but when I open it, I have a message that says it is read only. Also, from the instructions, it seems like the Domain model should be empty. My domain model has all sorts of entities already.    I even went back and downloaded and opened the solution version that was provided at the end of the last module to see if I had done something wrong, and when I opened that versions Domain model it had the same message and entities in it as well.     
2 answers

Hi Drake,


The learning path is referring to the domain model of your "MyFirstModule" module. In your screenshot, you have the domain model of the "System" opened. Each module has got it's own domain model. The domain model of MyFirstModule is editable and should be empty still. You can open the MyFirstModule by double clicking on it, or click on the arrow at the side :)


Hope this helps,


Regards, Jeroen


Hi Drake,


I believe you need to expand MyFirstModule at the bottom and click on the Domain model.

The System Domain model is read-only and you should leave it like that, any updates you do, you usually do in your own modules.


Hope this helps, success with the Rapid training!



