Qestion about additional challenge in the Intemediate path
Hi, I am currently on the Intermediate learning path, doing the Xpath chapter. I wanted to do this additional challenge: Make a dashboard of requests with no approver assigned. Write a microflow that allows managers to claim these requests for themselves. Earlier in this learning path, we allowed the managers to see only the requests, that they need to approve. We did this using the restriction in the Entity Access in the Security settings. So they cannot see the requests without an "approver" assigned. So do I have to go back and change everything? Or did I understood this task wrong? It does not make much sense to me. Thank you Now the task is to enable them see these
Jan Neřold
2 answers
Hello Jan,
This is one of the possible solutions to this bussiness question;
I cannot tell you wether this the intended solution by Mendix itself or not, but I think the extra challenge is also there to stimulate you creating your own solutions and find your way through mendix and all of the possibilities. Not really an answer but I hope it helps.
Jelle van Leeuwen
Probably you will need to add an extra access rule on the request entity to allow the managers to read the requests which don't have an approver and also be able to write that association.
Keep in mind that the managers should not be allowed to write in all attributes of the request (if they are not approvers)