Hello Florkenthia,
I do not know what Elliot suggested, but is it possible for you to open your windows navigator and move the mendix folder or the application folder to your C:/Users/16176 folder and try to open it again. If this does not work you can try to create a new application with a shorter name then LearnNow Training Management something like LNTM maybe.
Hope this helps
Good luck
Hi Florkenthia,
I would highly recommend not to use a OneDrive Path as the App Directory.
We had some trouble to open apps, because somehow IDs or anything changed and then couldn't open the app anymore. And it's a local working copy, so it's not really necessary.
For instance I use just a folder in my local C:\Documents.
Let me know if that worked for you.
Hi, I faced similar file path issues on my Windows computer and found LongPathTool to be very effective. It might be worth trying if you’re having trouble with file paths. It helped me resolve similar issues quickly.