Where can I set access rights to entityidentifier

At point 7 in lesson 6.2 of the learning path 'Create an App with Advanced Page Building' I need to 'Give the Requestor Read access to the RequestID attribute of the Request entity'. But I cannot see the RequestID member of the Request entity, not do I see the ID member of any other entity. So how can I set access rights to an entityidentifier?   I use Mendix Studio Pro Version 10.7.0, but I cannot select it in the list!
2 answers

Hello Hans,


Point 6 of the Domain model section says

Extend the Request entity with a new attribute: RequestID, type AutoNumber.

After doing this, you should be able to follow steps 6 and 7 of the security and access section as well.




Hi Hans,

In you domain model have you added Request ID in your request entity? If no, please add as a new attribute in your request entity, once added open the request entity go to access rights and select the requestor user role and provide the read access.

Hope it helps!!! 
