Create a Wireframe

Hey Guys, I got stuck on the "Create Wireframe" part. Is there any idea how to do that?   
2 answers

Hello Sobirjon,


You can use a wide variety of tools to do wireframing in.

Chat gpt recommends the following:

Choosing the "best" wireframing tool often depends on your specific needs, preferences, and project requirements. However, here are some highly regarded wireframing tools that are popular among designers and developers:

  1. Sketch: Sketch is a vector-based design tool that is widely used for creating wireframes, UI designs, and prototypes. It offers a range of features and plugins to streamline the design process.

  2. Adobe XD: Adobe XD is a powerful design and prototyping tool that allows for creating wireframes, interactive prototypes, and UI designs all in one place. It integrates well with other Adobe products.

  3. Figma: Figma is a collaborative interface design tool that enables real-time collaboration on wireframes, prototypes, and UI designs. It's web-based and works across different platforms.

  4. Axure RP: Axure RP is a comprehensive prototyping tool that allows for creating highly interactive wireframes and prototypes. It's particularly useful for complex projects and includes features for conditional logic and dynamic content.

  5. Balsamiq: Balsamiq is a simple and easy-to-use wireframing tool that focuses on low-fidelity wireframes. It's great for quickly sketching out ideas and concepts.

  6. InVision: InVision is a popular prototyping tool that allows for creating interactive prototypes from wireframes. It also supports collaboration and feedback from team members and stakeholders.

  7. Marvel: Marvel is a user-friendly prototyping tool that allows for creating wireframes, prototypes, and mockups with ease. It offers integration with other design tools and collaboration features.

  8. Adobe Illustrator: While not specifically designed for wireframing, Adobe Illustrator is a versatile vector graphics editor that many designers use for creating wireframes due to its robust feature set and flexibility.

  9. Pen & Paper: Sometimes, the best wireframing tool is simply pen and paper. Sketching out ideas on paper can be a quick and effective way to brainstorm and iterate on design concepts before moving to digital tools.

Ultimately, the best wireframing tool for you will depend on factors such as your design preferences, collaboration needs, project complexity, and budget. It's often helpful to try out a few different tools to see which one aligns best with your workflow and requirements. Many of these tools offer free trials or have free versions with limited features, allowing you to explore them before committing.



You can wireframe in mendix as well with pages for example and switching between structure and Design mode but when you do not have entities and attribute in your domain model i would not advise you to misuse the mendix studio pro for this.


But yeah after when you make your pages you basically build your wireframe in mendix studio pro.


Hope this helps 


Good luck


Hey Jelle,

Thanks for quick respond I will try to do that. :)


