Like Mike suggested, it depends on the context.
If you did not select (double click) an element from via the app explorer on the left side, there is nothing to see in the Toolbox (picture above).
However, if you select an element (domain model / page / microflow / etc), you will see the context specific options in the Toolbox (picure below for domain model)
Hope this helps
Hi David,
Do you have a page or microflow (or something else) open in the center section of Studio Pro? The Toolbox is context sensitive, so if you have a microflow open, the Toolbox will have microflow tools, if you have a page open, the Toolbox will have page tools, etc.
Hope that helps,
Hi Mike
Thank you for your fast response. Unfortunately, there is no page open in the center of the studio pro.
You can see a screen shot captured here: /file?guid=19703248379726337
Any further hints appreciated.
Thank you so much Mike, Micha! Able to get the toolbox elements :-)