Cannot open the project Scrumptious in Studio Pro version 10.10.0

Course: Style your app with Sass I am currently using studio pro version 10.10.0, and in the course we have been asked to download 'Scrumptious' project package and continue to build our app on it, but I am not able to open that project in the studio pro. Facing version issue as shared in the image. Is it possible to open it in existing version?
2 answers

The package on disk is created in version 9.12.1, you first need to open the package with a studio pro version between 9.18.0 and 9.24.x to automatically convert it. Afterwards you are able to open it with 10.10.


It would be more helpful to update the file "Scrumptious_Start" in the tutorial to avoid this issue.

Unfortunately, I'm using Studio Pro on Mac, so I can't fix the problem as only version 10.7.0 and later are available to me.
