In the microflow, you can use a retrieve activity, and then, in the retrieve you can select the Training event association.
Hope it helps!
Also if the doubt still exists, feel free to ping me, and maybe we can connect over a call.
Can you share the microflow screenshot ,
I can help you to fix this ,
I think your TrainingEvent object is not in the scope
Like Stella says, make sure the TrainingEvent is in scope.
If you follow the steps creating the microflow, you should be ok.
Please take a close look at the retrieve options.
Via association:
From database
As you can see, the icon in the activity is different. And by default, the retrieve from DB will return a list (which can of course be empty, or contain 1 or multiple records). You could select to get the first record, but in this case it will not work, because the registration is not saved yet, which means the association to the event cannot be retrieved from the DB, only via the association in memory.
Here is my PROBLEM!
What you guided me to do not work.
Hi again!
As you can see above, I don't have the possibility to expand the "TrainingEventList" and because of that I can't select the "registration from there.
Please guide me how to solve that!
Thank you!
Hi again!
I have managed to solve that problem but in the next step, as you can see above, I can't "$Count". Where can be the problem?
Thank you in advance!
Check the access rights settings to make sure that TrainingEvent is activated and available.
Problem solved! It was the way of arrow in the Domain Model from "Registration" to "TrainingEvent".
Thanks for the hints anyway!