Different UI and missing create app from spreadsheet

Hello Iam new into Learning Mendix and few days ago I tried to make app using spreadsheet with Tutorial in Mendix academy (Build an App from an Excel Spreadsheet ) and Today when I wanted to do it again but myself without looking on how to I suddenly have completely DIfferent GUI. First I was supposed to choose what app I want to make and then name it but now I have completly different GUI and cant even choose app from Spreadsheet only blank one or using GenAI. I cant even choose version for which app should be.  I would appreciate any help.   How GUI should look like   What my GUI look like
1 answers

The App from Spreadsheet is no longer part of the online version of the Create new app flow.

But can be done in Mendix Studio Pro directly, when creating a new app in Studio Pro. (see also the first two bullets of the learning path page)

