Import and Export your data Module 7

Hello, I got stuck in module 7 in learning path Import an Export, with this error. And when I checked where the problem is using breakpoint, MxTemplate is empty. If I understand correctly, the template is created in step 7.3.2 I downloaded the example in the learning path and it looks exactly the same and there it works. So I don't know what am I missing.
2 answers

Hi BÅ™etislav Hrtus,


  • Go to the Template overview page and verify if the template is created or not. 
  • Make sure  in your SUB_CreateExcelExport microflow the MxTemplate name in the Database retrieve should match the Name of the template you have created. 
  • Make sure, the role you are using to download have the access the XLS module and its entities. 


Hope this helps!!



TO understand the error better please  go to console and check the error there you will understand the issue better where you missed .

