Stuck : 3.5.1 Connect your Page and your Data and Earlier Version of Studio Pro 10.6.10

I am stuck in the training: Build Your App Using a Template. I am using an earlier version Studio Pro 10.6.10. In section 3.51. Step 3 Add a new Parameter.  I am getting a different Popup:        (This pop up is not in the training - I choose  Select)    This pop up came up        It has the Same heading as the Screen in step #4,  I searched for Title and nothing came up, so I added Title (String (200))  did not allow me to select *** do not see the values on step 4. Select Title    
1 answers

Hi Daisy,


Hope I can help you with your question.


Did you connect the right data source to the list view? You would need to connect this list view to the entity "task" so it will have access to the attribute "Title"  that you are trying to select.


Below is where you would need to select the data source for the list view. Make sure that you select the container around the text.



After that you would be able to edit the "list item title" and set the caption to the right attribute. 

For the caption, make sure to replace List item title with {1}.


Good luck!
