Mendix 10.6.13- URLs with parameters dont work

Hi.   I've created simple page and wrote page URL: link_{DevReq/DeviationNo} Mendix shows me sample link to paste in browser: http://localhost:8080/p/link_my-devreq-deviationno The problem is when I will put this link into browser it shows me that page is not exist and re-directs me to home page.   When I change URL to: linkTest http://localhost:8080/p/linkTest It shows me page properly.   Where's the problem. I'm following instruction:
4 answers


No errors from Mendix. redirection goes when I run app.


Hard to say without more context. Some questions I'd ask and which you might investigate in order to solve this issue:

- Does the user that follows the link have access to read the data on that page? Is the same data accessable when using 'normal' navigation within the app?

- Are there any errors, warnings, etc visible in the log of Studio Pro when opening the link?

- Are there any errors, warnings, etc visible in the console log of the used web browser?


Also I notice you are using a underscores & dashes. I'm not sure whether or not this is considered best practice, but you might want to opt for using backslashes. That would be more in line with the examples Mendix provides. (For instance:


I know where's the problem.


My intention was to make such a links with this URL:



URL is not designed to do such a things.

When I don't have stored in database what I'm typing in URL it will redirect to home page.


My intention was to pass something to Page and get it by parameter. Then use it at this page.

If it's not working with empty Entity it's completely no make sense to use this URL.


Think need to use Deep Link Module instead. Even if it's depreciated in Mendix 10. 

It have option to construct such a links:





I got it.


To do something similar to query parameters I need to use Microflow with simple parameter (not Entity parameter). Using Entity Parameters require parameter to be already existing in database.

Pages are not allowed to use simple parameters, so need to user Microflow.
