Stuck on Crash Course Section 6.6.3 using MacOS

Hey there,   I've been following the Crash Course using Mendix 10.13.1 on macOS. In general the experience has been okay, there are quite a few differences between the shown screenshots and the actual UI. Some of them stem from the fact that the UI is just different on Mac compared to Windows. I am now stuck in section 6.6.3 where "[at] the top of the window" I'm supposed to "change the Select page by clicking Select….". Naturally there is not button there (on Mac) and I don't know what to do. Can someone point me in the right direction?   Thank you!   Best, Kai   PS: I think it would be nice if the Courses could be updated to reflect the actual UIs. Or if not that, then at the very least communicate the intended outcome before giving click-instructions.
3 answers

Hi Kai,


Just to confirm, did you use the Input Reference Set Selector widget? If possible, could you also share a screenshot of what you're seeing?





This seems to be a Mac problem. I had had the same. Indeed, just change it to an input reference selector and go from there.


These are the instructions (for reference):

  1. In the Data view you just created, change the Label caption of Name to Username.

  2. Double-click the User role selection widget to configure it.

  3. Change the Data source to Name rather than ModelGUID.

  4. Change the Editability setting to Default.

  5. At the top of the window, change the Select page by clicking Select….

    • In the Select web page window, create a new page called UserRole_Select using the PopupLayout navigation layout and the Select With List View template. Mendix will create this for you.

Here is a video of what I see trying to follow the instructions. I get until point 4 without trouble. Then I fail to find the correct "Select...". See the attached screen recording.
