5.4.2 How to best data > Attributes not showing

Currently working my way to the Rapid Mendix Developer course and at chapter 5.4.2 How to nest Data I have the following issue.  I've added the dataview and connected the Entity. When adding the 'page header title' I would like to use parameters in the title but the attributes ar not showing up.  See instructions below  When I follow the steps indicated I can't select the attributes {...Course/Title/} and {DateTime} ... see screenshot below: I have retraced my steps and doublechecked every action but all seems right. Any idea on what's hapenning here?
1 answers

Hi Tim,


It appears you forgot to add the data view or the data view is in the incorrect place on your page. If I look at your breadcumb in the bottom, I see you go from Column to Container.

In my example I also have a data view in between:


If I switch to structure mode it might be a bit more clear:


So you need to add a dataview in the layout grid. And then add the building block inside this data view.

Probably you then also need to set a page parameter to TrainingEvent (if it doesn't do this automatically).


Hope this helps.


best regards, Bob.
