Tutorial: Become a Rapid Developer

Hi, in module 2.10 of the tutorial Become a Raid Developer you need to import an Excel file with User Stories, but the example file is to big. You get this error: The following error occurred when importing document: user_stories_Rapid_Developer_10.0.0.xlscom.mendix.basis.objectmanagement.member.StringLengthException - Attribute 'ExcelIntegration.Item.StoryPoints' has a maximum length of 200, tried setting a value of length 324.   Did i do something wrong?
1 answers

Hi Iris,



Look like in excel some column maybe swaped I guess.  make the excel like below order and try

| Depth | Name | Epic id | Epic name | Story Type | Story Points | Description | Tags |


Hope it helps!

Thanks & Regards,

Manikandan K
