Cannot associate data view with boolean

Hi again folks,   In the process of proceeding with the crash course i am facing another issue.   I am on Managing Data, data containers section, Adjust Employee Page (6.6.2) where i have to split the input widgets into two columns, and there is a part where we add a Data View with an association over the Employee_Account., so we show more inputs if the Has Account radio button is YES.        But i can´t select the boolean or any other attribute, i tried selecting the other widgets one by one by trying to change the attribute it points to, nothing is showing, for example the radio buttons that are mapped to the HasAccount, i tried changing to another attribute and there are no results (even when clicking on the arrows).     I am used to work with Outsystems and there you simply fetch data on the screen by using an aggregate or data action and then simply use the output on the list or the specific widgets, associations instead of having foreign keys directly on entities i also find strange and difficult to grasp this way or managing entities and the way of fetching the data.   Any help is appreciated.
3 answers

If you look at the example in the learning path (added below), you will see that there is a dataview on the page. This is a dataview for the Employee and linked to the Page parameter. If I look at your screenshot, the dataview is at the bottom of the page (it contains department and the save and cancel buttons).

If you move the content that is currently outside of the Employee dataview inside (drag the entire layoutgrid), you will be able to use the HasAccount attribute in your conditional visibility.


Hope this helps


Hi Sergio,


Place your input widgets to dataview to select an attribute, 

please go through mendix 10 guide also here you have all detailed information, 


Hope it helps!

Thanks & Regards,

Manikandan K


Thanks guys, i must have done something wrong when dragging the widgets to the screen, i started again and now it's working.


Thanks a lot!


