Expand accessibility options in Studio Pro for all OOTB widgets - Mendix Forum

Expand accessibility options in Studio Pro for all OOTB widgets


The accessibility (a11y) features in Mendix Studio Pro are, to say the least, pretty limited. Apart from the occasional aria required, screen reader caption and autocomplete settings, there is basically no out of the box way to increase the a11y of an app.

The only way to do that now is by downloading and using the Accessibility helper widget from the Marketplace, which can rapidly make your page model a mess, because it only targets one widget at a time. See the example below.

To make it easier to make applications more accessible, it would be very nice if the out of the box a11y features would be expanded with, for example, the possibility to add an ID (= 'id' HTML attribute) to a widget, so you can use it to reference it later, set the most often used aria attributes like role, label, labelledby, describedby, etc. and a way to add custom HTML attributes when the standard ones don't cover your needs.



The image below is the page model of a simple date of birth component. Because it consists of multiple input fields and there are validations and error messages involved that need to be connected to those input fields so a screen reader knows there are invalid inputs, it needs a lot of separate accessibility helper widgets to tie it all together, adding ids and aria attributes:



The top-most accessibility helper widget adds a number of custom attributes, one of which has a dynamic value, and two (invalid and describedby) are added dynamically based on the value of one of the object's attributes:


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