How do you test Web Accessibility in Mendix

After doing some research I saw that Mendix Supports web accessibility. I would like to know if Mendix also supports test tools for web accessibility. If Mendix does not have test tools for accessibility, how can someone test it?
2 answers

If you use the Chrome browser, then you already have some accessibility testing tools built in.

Open the Developer Tools, and click into the Lighthouse tab. This allows you to audit an page you are currently using and check for things like Performance, Accessibility, Best Practices, and SEO.

You won’t be able to change everything it recommends doing, but you should be able to make some improvements.

Hope this helps.


Hi Indra

If you’re referring to testing of your application, please have a look here:

If you’re referring to security testing: Burpsuite for example can be perfectly used for Mendix applications. We do security checks all the time on the Mendix solution.

I hope this answers your question.

Kind regards,

