How to prevent a user signing out after trying to acces a page with no authorization when clicking on a link?

Hi! Working in Mx9.24.27.   At the moment I'm setting up URL's for specific pages so users are able to quickly share links with eachother (via Teams) to get directly to the right page with the right parameter. On some pages (that have set up an URL) there are visibility restrictions for some user-roles. After some testing I encountered the following problem: When a link is shared with someone that does not have acces to that page, that user is logged out and redirected to the login page with a 403 error in the URL. This also prevents the user to sign in again. In the login html I have created a script to remove the 403 error out of the URL so that the user is able to sign in again. But what I rather would see is that the user is redirected to the homepage for that user. I can't put that in the login html because the user is already signed out at that point.  How can I redirect the user to the homepage in this situation? Can I find a java action somewhere where this redirect to login page is happening? Can I somehow catch this process and change it? Every solution is welcome! 
1 answers

Hi Joep,

make an anonymous user & give the access of anonymous user also to homePage.

So whenever anonymous user click on the link they will be redirected on the homePage instead of sign in page.


Hope this will resolve your problem.
