Could temporarily not synchronize data - Mendix Forum

Could temporarily not synchronize data


Hi all,


could anyone assist me with the below error, I am getting this error while trying to start the native application.

Version- 9.24.14


error message--- 

Could temporarily not synchronize data. Please try again later.



 MicrosoftTeams-image (4).png


Hello Ashish,


First of all thanks for the response! I cannot comment on your comment so I'll do it this way. Is there some link where an older version of the Make It Native app is available or do I have to log a ticket as well?

Your can download from here- Select the version --- Make It Native 9 This should solve your issue, because I also fixed it by this way only.

I have the same problem for some days now. Did you ever find a fix?

Hi, what I found is that if you have recently updated the Make it Native from playstore, than you will surely get this error so I raised a ticket mentioning this issue, got revert from Mendix support, this error is due to the recent deployment they had on playstore, so they are working on that as this is not in our control. For now you can downgrade the application version to the previous version i.e. Make It Native - 9 to Make It Native - 9 By this you will able to load the make it native application in your device. Good luck...