Page with all release notes of a Mendix Version - Mendix Forum

Page with all release notes of a Mendix Version


Hi. When I want to look for an issue in the release notes I have to open each release note page individually per modeler subversion (with that I mean per 7.4 per 7.5 per 7.6 etc. ).
What I would like would be a page with all these release notes together for the whole version 7. That would enable me to use Ctrl + F to search on key words in the issues if I suspect I have an issue in mendix itself. Additionally, this would save clicking on each individual modeler subverison.
A page of release notes per Mendix modeler version 7 would help out a lot.
And when there will be a Mendix 8 a release note page per version 8.

2 answers

Didn't think of that, Thanks Tim! 


You can use Google for that. Use a search query like this: navigation profile

It will search within a certain site and path for “navigation profile” (example). The “site:” search parameter in Google is pretty nice for this.
