Change up days of the Mendix meetups for people with other commitents on Tuesdays - Mendix Forum

Change up days of the Mendix meetups for people with other commitents on Tuesdays



I would love to someday go to a Mendix meetup since I think the topics are really interesting. However I have other commitments on Tuesday on I can imagine others have this too. 

Maybe it is an idea to have these on other days as well instead of only Tuesdays. 


1 answers

Hi Jurre,

That's a great idea! The next two meetups are on Tuesday, but after that we have some meetups on other days. 

  • Tue – May 14 
  • Tue – May 22
  • Wed – June 14
  • Wed – June 26

We are looking to experiment more with the meetup days in the future so that everyone has the opportunity to join.

See you at one of the meetups!

