Learning path completion should transfer while merging accounts - Mendix Forum

Learning path completion should transfer while merging accounts


While transferring accounts from one company to another Learning path completion is getting lost, it should not be the case.

The completion percentage should also  be transfer with the accounts.

This happened to me recently when i merged my account from my previous company all my learning percentage got lost and  i have  to start from beginning.


3 answers

I assume this is not retroactively applied?


Happy to announce that this is resolved in our platform.

When merging accounts your learning progress is captured on Profile level and is the combination of the highest completion percentages of your accounts.


Read more on https://www.mendix.com/blog/multiple-single-accounts-now-available-in-mendix/


this can be fixed in different ways.

If there would be a way to disconnect your company email from you MX account this could be solved.

You’d still need a unique inlog, but that could be your private email.

the question is how difficult this would be for MX to implement vs how often do people encounter bad user experience because of issues like this.
