Webhook support for Team Server - Mendix Forum

Webhook support for Team Server


We would like support for webhooks on Team Server for both branch (create/delete) and revision updates.

Forum threads like this one https://community.mendix.com/link/questions/97363 so the only other alternative is polling which seems to be a waste of resources both for the poller and for Mendix as it has to handed repeated requests to an API.

2 answers

Did anyone ever make it work? I keep getting an error about ssl, I have opened a ticket to support 1 week + now and there is no response. Is there anyone who has managed to make webhooks work and maybe know how to resolve the SSL issue?


Hi Kenny,

We have webhooks available for Teamserver Git (push) and Package Upload. Refer to documentation for more details – https://docs.mendix.com/developerportal/deploy/webhooks/


Let us know if you have feedback or comments on the capability.



