Sprintr search through all user stories should come back in the new UI - Mendix Forum

Sprintr search through all user stories should come back in the new UI


In Sprintr, using the old UI, when going to ‘Stories’ for a project, I have the option to click on ‘Show filters’, check ‘Archived’, and then use the search bar to search through all user stories in the project at once.

In the new UI this is currently not possible. For completed sprints it is only possible to search on the sprint ID and sprint Title, then within a completed sprint it is only possible to search on user story ID and user story Title.

I want this functionality in the new UI: With one search bar, search through all user story titles, user story descriptions, user story labels, and user story IDs in the whole project.

1 answers

Hi Jeroen, 

I fully agree. The possibility to include the archived sprints in the search actions has disappeared in the new UI.

The issue was already reported to Mendix support and they confirmed that this functionality was lost in the new UI.

However the feature to search user stories across sprints is very usefull to look up previous decisions in order to judge (the impact of) new user stories.

Unfortunately Mendix does not clearly communicate where to leave comments on the beta version. 
