Do not put Acceptance as the default selected deployment environment when transporting - Mendix Forum

Do not put Acceptance as the default selected deployment environment when transporting


I have a small request, because I noticed it went wrong a few times.


Is it possible to set the default selected environment to Test if there is a Test environment when transporting your app ? And not Acceptance.


This is a simple fix that's helps prevent possible problems and angry customers.

3 answers

I have had the same problem. Filing a request has solved the problem. Did you order your Test environment later? For us that caused this problem. Mendix helped us setting it to test by default. Good luck!


I have never seen the 'acceptance' be the default option for transport.  In all my 3-environment clouds, I have seen only Test as the default.  I think something more complicated must be going on here. My guess is Eric is correct here.


The default for all of my apps with 3 environments is Test. Did you perhaps add the Test environment after the initial 2 (Acceptance and Production) were created? I suggest you submit a support ticket to have this corrected for you.
