Mendix NGO Volunteer Program - Mendix Forum

Mendix NGO Volunteer Program



How about a program where NGOs/non-profit organizations can advertise their Mendix projects and people can volunteer to work on them? For beginners (like me*) it would be a great way to get some real-world experience, e.g. if you’re trying to make a career change. For experienced Mx developers, the motivation could be “giving back”, both to an NGO that aligns with your interests and values (e.g. fighting climate change) and to the beginners, who will be grateful for your help. After all, even the Mendix MVPs were beginners once!

Q to you: which category do you fall into? Do you think this would fly? Post a comment and share your thoughts!


* PS Yes, I work at Mendix myself, but in a sales-related role that has nothing to do with the above. I’m following all the Learning Paths out of personal interest and really would like to gain some real-world experience.

2 answers

I think I have suggested this before. Other companies a member of the so called techsoup


Looks like a good idea,
