Being able to mark Answers or Comments as favorite in addition to Questions - Mendix Forum

Being able to mark Answers or Comments as favorite in addition to Questions


Hi all,

I have the following suggestion as a forum user.

If I am not mistaken, right now it is only possible for a forum user to select only the question itself as one of her favorites.

I would love to have the heart icon for the comments and answers as well. Because sometimes I really like not the question but the answer or comment itself. ( it may have additional info not much related to the question itself and I prefer directly look at it later on without searching it through the comments).

I would appreciate if you can consider this.

Kind regards,


2 answers

Thank you Franklin!


Hi Hazal, thanks a lot for your suggestion! I can definitely see how this can be useful.

We are currently revamping the bookmark functionality of our forum, of which answers and comments are not yet part of. I will however add it to our backlog of potential future iterations if we see more requests for this. Will keep you posted in this thread.
