Flag options for forum questions and answers - Mendix Forum

Flag options for forum questions and answers


A lot of questions are valuable to help and to share knowledge.

There are also a lot of “bad” questions: unclear, without any context, no real question, without problem description, duplicate questions, etc. My experience is that downvotes are used very sometimes.

Like Stackoverflow, it would be nice to be able to flag a question like “Unclear”, “Duplicate” with a link to the question, “Ask for closing” if it’s too broad. etc. The number of flags can have consequences for possibility to answer or to upvote. The same is applicable for answers.

The flag feature learns that questioners think more carefully about what exactly they want to achieve, that "good" questions are given more value and that those are “reused” more often. It is not my intention to treat people negatively. But mainly to keep the forum functioning as it is intended.

1 answers

Hi Henri, thanks a lot for sharing your idea. Sounds like something very interesting indeed that would improve our community. We'll take this onboard for future improvements and will keep you updated on when it's coming. 
