Possibility to add pre requisite stories to user stories - Mendix Forum

Possibility to add pre requisite stories to user stories


In the sprinter sometimes we have a few user stories that require other user stories to be handled first.

Now we manually have to copy the number(s) and title of the pre requisite stories in the other story(s), but tit would be way more user friendly to have a list of the pre requisite stories in the story.

This way it would be visible to the person viewing the story what is still pending before this specific story can be developed.

So it would be nice to be able to see the status of the pre requisite stories (Not Started, Running, Done) and be able to open the story.



2 answers

In Epics, it is now possible to link a story to another story. Just type # and start typing a story name. A dropdown will open where you'll be able to select the story you'd like to link. 



I second this. I’ve traditionally use a tag for the dependent story id so when I search, I see all related stories. But it’s primitive and doesn’t exactly flow out and make it easy to plan for. 
