Put Mendix in real-world practise - Mendix Forum

Put Mendix in real-world practise


Hello everyone,

today I passed the Rapid Developer exam and would like to take the next steps.

As often in programming/developing it would be nice to work on real world challenges because your own projects keep you in your comfort zone.

Is there a place where you can participate as a hobbyist in helping to develop apps? E. g. for supporting non-commercial/no-paid interest like NPO, private use-case, social institutions etc.


Would that be a use-case for Mendix to set up kind of “Mendix-Community supports you” platform?



1 answers

Great idea.

Personally I think rebuilding existing applications, and see what challenges exist.

Even something as a simple to-do list with multiple users being able to add or remove items has some nice complexity.

If you want some input I can also recommend joining the slack channel, Im sure the friendly people there wouldnt mind thinking up some fun challenges.

in the past there was also a monthly build challenge (building a santa app)

Maybe you have a personal project, or a sport club you could help out with a small app.

