Improve Community Search results handling - Mendix Forum

Improve Community Search results handling

  1. Add a results/page control {to allow more than 10 per page}
  2. Improve page selection/navigator UX to consider tablets,  large font for page numbers,  larger button for first, previous ,  next and last pages
  3. When new page is loaded, move to top of page {currently stays on bottom – applies across the Mendix site when navigating}
  4. Provide a “working" toast(?) when request is waiting on server
  5. “X of Y results” details a not correct on result page 2+
2 answers


Those comments specifically relate to the Community search functionality, but #s 1 and 4 apply to the UX of the Search and ‘Explore' functions of the main Mendix site


Hi Sean, thanks for sharing your thoughts on our search. Just to clarify, are you referring to the platform wide search enabled from the platform header bar?
