Add Forum Filters: No accepted answer and others - Mendix Forum

Add Forum Filters: No accepted answer and others


The forum filters are currently quite limited. To use the forum more efficiently it would be good to have some more options:

regards, Fabian

2 answers

My Questions → Answered is indeed what I was looking for. I was not expecting that in a section namend “My Questions”.


“Unanswered” gives only questions with no answer at all. I would like an option that combines “Unanswered” and “Answered”, excluding only those with an accepted answer.


Thanks for sharing your ideas on how we can improve our forum! With regards to your suggestion, I think we already offer that functionality currently, but would like to know if it indeed is what you are looking for.

  • filter by questions without an accepted answer: these are questions that possible still require a proper answer (Either not answered at all, or answered, but no answer was accepted yet)

  • find questions to which I gave an answer – allows me to quickly find those questions I’ve participated. Currently these can get lost quite quickly.


Is this what you are looking for?

