Improve or develop new extra reporting functionality in the Control Center - Mendix Forum

Improve or develop new extra reporting functionality in the Control Center


When it comes to the reporting capabilities that are present in the Dashboard, Apps and Users sections in the Control Center, these are lacking to say the least.

Improvements that I want to propose are:

1. to add to the export to Excel capability, in which an admin can export the data regarding:
    a. the users and their activity on the platform (tickets raised, last login date, what specific apps they are team members of and not the number of apps as it is now and other existing data regarding the user accounts).
    b. the existing apps fx. number of users accessing the app on a monthly basis, ID of apps, Mendix version the app uses, licensed or free app, size of environments, performance metrics (fx. number of critical notifications in the last month, 3, 6 months) for each app

2. In the 'Dashboard' section when it comes to the Mendix versions vs. apps, to have the possibility to drill down and view which apps are using which version and who is the technical contact of those apps and also have widgets/charts related to overall app (from the Metrics section) and overall portfolio performance.

1 answers

very helpful
