Alter the My apps page so it shows 2 alphabetically sorted columns of the current apps - Mendix Forum

Alter the My apps page so it shows 2 alphabetically sorted columns of the current apps


What my idea is related to, is altering the current format of the page ‘My apps’.

Currently, the ‘My apps’ page shows tile cards, one for each app and then one can arrange these tiles by choosing from a dropdown field to sort the apps by ‘Most Recent’ or ‘App Name’.

The idea I am submitting is to alter the format & functionality of the ‘My apps’ page so it lists in 2 columns the apps. The columns could be: Licensed and Free apps.

Please review the attached snip.

2 answers

Not at all a filter, as I don't want to re-select it every time I access the page that shows all the apps I am a team member off.
The above is the current behavior of the filter on the page that shows the tile cards, one for each app. Every time I access the page I have to re-select 
App Name' in the dropdown so the apps are filtered by name and not by 'Most recent', so I have a structured approach to accessing the apps I want to access.
Actually what I would want to have is a page with 2 columns. 
One column for Free Apps and one column for Licensed apps.
Each of these columns to be sorted alphabetically by default.
I blured the image so the names of the apps are not visible.


Hi Alex, so what you need is an easy way to differentiate between your free and licensed apps, right? Would something like a filter help here maybe? 


The attached image shows up like a very blurry version of the current My Apps page on my machine, so I could not see how columns would work or what extra benefit they would bring...
