Minor textual change: Discourage people from deleting their forum posts - Mendix Forum

Minor textual change: Discourage people from deleting their forum posts


One of the great strengths of this forum is the fact that you can look back at old questions and learn from them – either because they already have a solution, or because they contain steps someone has already tried to solve a problem.


For that reason, I'd love to see a little extra text on the confirmation button when deleting a post that already had interactions (upvotes, comments, answers, especially those with accepted answers):


Right now it just says something like “Are you sure?” but I would like to suggest appending it with a short explanation.

Something along the lines of:

“Are you sure you want to delete your post? Questions like yours are a great addition to the forum and help other Mendix Makers learn about the platform and solve issues more rapidly.

Where the “success” button is “Never mind, keep my post!” and the secondary button is “Delete my post anyway”.

0 answers