Have the ability to do advanced searches/filtering on the Team Server of the Developer Portal - Mendix Forum

Have the ability to do advanced searches/filtering on the Team Server of the Developer Portal


Instead of having only the simple search bar, I think it could be valuable to do more advanced searches within the team server tab of the developer portal. This way it's easier to see the general timeline of what happened within an branch, especially when you're new to the application.


For example: Search for specific words in a certain branchline or place a tag on a developer so you can search the necessary revision within a branch that they worked on, without seeing their (similar work) on different branches!



Instead of the current search bar :

I'd like to have a bit more options, just like the search bar within questions and ideas sections of the Mx community page:


My suggestions for the filter fields would be info that is readily available in that part of the portal:

  1. Branchline
  2. Date/Time
  3. Teammember
  4. Mendix version


Thanks in advance,


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