PlatformSDK support proxy - Mendix Forum

PlatformSDK support proxy


PlatformSDK use got to access mendix repository.

But  My office have authenticated proxy. so I can’t access mendix repository using PlatformSDK. Got requires hpaagent to use proxy.




Work Around Code


"use strict";

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });

exports.RestConnector = void 0;

const got_1 = require("got");

const  {HttpsProxyAgent} = require('hpagent');

/** @internal */

class RestConnector {

    constructor(baseURL, credentials, validateStatus = true, headers = {}) {

        this.defaultOptions = {

            url: baseURL,

            throwHttpErrors: validateStatus,

            headers: { ...headers },

            retry: 0


        if (credentials) {

            switch (credentials.type) {

                case "bearer": {

                    this.defaultOptions.headers.Authorization = `Bearer ${credentials.accessToken}`;



                case "pat": {

                    this.defaultOptions.headers.Authorization = `MxToken ${credentials.mxToken}`;




                    throw new Error("Unknown auth type");




    static create(baseURL, credentials, validateStatus = true) {

        return new RestConnector(baseURL, credentials, validateStatus);


    async get(path, searchParams) {

        return doRequest({


            method: "GET",

            pathname: path,

            searchParams: searchParams ? { ...searchParams } : undefined



    async getReadableStreamResponse(path) {

        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {

            const request = (0, got_1.default)({


                method: "GET",

                pathname: path,

                isStream: true,


            let localResponse;

            request.on("error", (error) => reject(createInformativeError(`Stream request failed, '${path}' message: ${error.message}`, localResponse)));

            request.on("response", (response) => {

                localResponse = response;


                    data: request,

                    status: response.statusCode,

                    statusText: response.statusMessage || "",

                    headers: response.headers





    async post(path, body) {

        return doRequest({


            method: "POST",

            pathname: path,

            json: body



    async delete(path) {

        return doRequest({


            method: "DELETE",

            pathname: path



    async put(path, body) {

        return doRequest({


            method: "PUT",

            pathname: path,

            json: body



    async awaitTask(url, body, method = "POST") {

        const result = await doRequest({ ...this.defaultOptions, method, pathname: url, json: body });

        if (result.status !== 202) {

            throw new Error(`Invalid HTTP status ${result.status} while ${method}ing task to '${url}': ${JSON.stringify(}`);


        const { taskId } =;

        let lastTaskData = { status: "running" };

        while (lastTaskData.status === "running") {

            await delay(500);

            const response = await doRequest({ ...this.defaultOptions, method: "GET", pathname: `/v1/tasks/${taskId}` });

            if (response.status !== 200) {

                throw new Error(`HTTP status ${response.status} while retrieving task ${taskId}: ${JSON.stringify(}`);


            lastTaskData =;


        if (lastTaskData.status !== "finished") {

            throw lastTaskData.result;


        return lastTaskData;


    async awaitPlatformJob(url, body, method = "POST") {

        const result = await doRequest({ ...this.defaultOptions, method, pathname: url, json: body });

        if (result.status !== 202) {

            throw new Error(`Invalid HTTP status ${result.status} while ${method}ing task to '${url}': ${JSON.stringify(}`);


        const jobId =;

        let lastTaskData = { status: "scheduled" };

        while (["scheduled", "running"].includes(lastTaskData.status)) {

            await delay(500);

            const response = await doRequest({


                method: "GET",

                pathname: `/rest/projectservice/v1/projects/jobs/${jobId}`


            if (response.status !== 200) {

                throw new Error(`HTTP status ${response.status} while retrieving task ${jobId}: ${JSON.stringify(}`);


            lastTaskData =;


        if (lastTaskData.status !== "completed") {

            throw new Error(lastTaskData.error_message);


        return lastTaskData;



exports.RestConnector = RestConnector;

async function doRequest(options) {

    try {


            options.agent= {

                https: new HttpsProxyAgent({

                    keepAlive: true,

                    keepAliveMsecs: 1000,

                    maxSockets: 256,

                    maxFreeSockets: 256,

                    scheduling: 'lifo',

                    proxy: process.env.HTTPS_PROXY




        const response = (await (0, got_1.default)(options));

        return {

            data: tryParse(response.body),

            status: response.statusCode,

            statusText: response.statusMessage || "",

            headers: response.headers



    catch (error) {

        throw createInformativeError(`Request failed, ${options.method} '${options.pathname}' message: ${error.message}`, error.response);



function tryParse(body) {

    try {

        return JSON.parse(body);


    catch (_error) {

        return body;



function createInformativeError(message, response) {

    const errorToThrow = new Error(message);

    if (response) {

        // The request was made and the server responded with a status code that falls out of the range of 2xx

        // Add it as a part of the error, to prevent [object Object]

        errorToThrow.responseData = response.body;

        errorToThrow.responseStatus = response.statusCode;


    return errorToThrow;


async function delay(duration) {

    return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, duration));




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