Mini Surveys / ProductInsights Native Widget - Mendix Forum

Mini Surveys / ProductInsights Native Widget


Our customer likes the Mini Surveys very much and so do I. 

The service is still a bit basic but very useable on web pages. 


Now we want to expand the use to our Native app users. 


We would love a native widget to show the active questionaire  popup when appropriate, similar to the already available web widget.


This will make it possible to add the productinsights to apps that largely depend on native mobile users and hence harvest the benefits (do user research fast and efficiently) of this very useful service.


2 answers

Is there any update regarding this question?


Hi Jacob, we have not looked into what's feasible for native mobile just yet, since the first goal was to see how much traction the web version gets. So it's great to hear you have found it useful and I'll look into investigating options for mobile.
