Incorrect column width settings occur in data grid 2 in case of empty column values - Mendix Forum

Incorrect column width settings occur in data grid 2 in case of empty column values


We cannot set the size of an input column depending on the width of the caption. This needs to be done with custom styling in which we need to work with hardcoded minimum width in css class.

It should be possible in Mendix to automatically set this depending on the size of the caption.
E.g. if a column has empty values, then the size of the column is so narrow that the caption of the column is not completely shown with option “Auto fit content”.

We do not want to use the setting auto-fill as we do not want to fill the whole page with a column (for example a full page with only 2 columns). We want to have a compact table where the column should show the value of the content (auto-fit content) but if the content is not sufficient, e.g. because of empty values, then it should make the header large enough to read the caption. If you give these columns auto-fill there is an abundance of whitespace which is someting we do not want.

We  can apply min-width CSS for the needed column by including a CSS class as part of the column to apply that CSS, but this is then hardcoded and not dynamic. It would be a great help if this would come as a feature setting that Mendix would look at the size of the caption to set as minimum column width. This would be more dynamic and would also be able to deal with language dependent captions.

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