Add Private Cloud option next to Mendix Licensed and Mendix Free in MyApps (Sprintr) - Mendix Forum

Add Private Cloud option next to Mendix Licensed and Mendix Free in MyApps (Sprintr)


Running most of our Mendix apps on our private cloud, I find it very confusing that the apps that we run on our private cloud appear as Mendix Free while the apps using Mendix cloud containers appear as licensed.

The following screenshot illustrates this:

Please add a feature that allows us to mark apps as Private Cloud instead of Free, to avoid accidental deletion or questions about why the app is not licensed. 

In addition, it would be appreciated to have in Control Center a separation between Active Free apps and Active Licensed & Private cloud apps too. All training and self study apps appear under Active apps, and it would be good to have a distinction between your offical apps and training/study apps:


3 answers

And i'd like to have the option, before deleting those free apps based on activity, that i can send a bulk notification to the creator of the app


Great suggestions @Peter Mendez, automatic clean up of non essential apps would help avoid ending up with hundreds of apps. Thanks!


I would also like to request a mechanism to manage the lifetime of a free app. Essentially I’d like a way to put a time on a app to say if it is not “utilized” then archive or delete after a specified number of days.


A use case would be an app created for training. I’d like to flag it to be archived after 90 days of no check-ins, then delete after 120 days being in archive.
