Please bring back the option to manually set the return type of a microflow - Mendix Forum

Please bring back the option to manually set the return type of a microflow


In the latest Mendix version (10.9 ... 10.10) it is no longer possible to manually select the return type of a microflow.

While the new autodetect feature is really usefull it is quite annoying that you cannot explicitly set the return type of a flow.


When developing new processes it is very usefull to start with empty microflows that will be filled with logic to provide a certain end result. Now I always need to first retrieve or create a dummy variable to set the return type.


What's also a bit strange is that the value 'empty' generates the return type '(empty)'.


Please bring back the option to simply select the desired type. Why was this removed at all?

1 answers

Completely agree with Fabian.

Although this is a feature that makes it easier for the starter developer, it can be an annoyance for experienced developers. Maybe make it a studio pro setting?
