Some features for Datagrid2 from Telerik - Mendix Forum

Some features for Datagrid2 from Telerik


Hi community,


We are developing an app that is a migration from high code to Mendix. On the old app, We had used a component from Telerik for the datagrids. We start to develop this component somthing kind of this datagrid, but with the evolution of the datagrid2, there are less difference between both.


In this case, I share you 3 features that are really helpful to the key user and will be interisting to have it on the datagrid 2. Think that probably something we can develope it, but the idea is that the end-user have the control on.


  1. Change the number of records that the user see on the datagrid.2024-04-29 12_29_40-SMRPII - Product - Opera.png
  2.  Group informations by drag&drop any field to the top, with multi-levels. Data helps a lot for the data analisys.image.png
  3. Customize caption by the user. In this case, the app have many languages, but there is some "free fields" for the end-user to map or write anything that they want. In this case, will be fine an option that the end-user can customize the caption, but in case that the user don't customize nothing, then the app take the caption of the language.2024-04-29 12_28_49-SMRPII - Product - Opera.png 


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